

Our Privacy policy is provided for internsify Africa (IA) Limited to all staff members, third parties, and
learners access to quality virtual/physical internship Program.


Our Internal quality assurance is an important part of Internsify Africa. We are concerned with being
accurate, consistent and ensuring learners have access to a qualitative internship program.


Internsify Africa request for Personal Information that you provide by filling in forms on the Website or on
the Platform or filing in forms as part of the registration process, or information about you through a number
of sources, depending on your engagement with us. Personal information collected and held by nternsify
Africa may include:
Your name, email address, contact details, gender, date of birth, nationality, school, CV, passport and
identification details, emergency contacts, and details of participant programs you have either participated
in or enquired about, including your travel details, program feedback, and testimonials.
Personal data is either supplied by you directly to Internsify Africa or provided to us by someone
representing you. Information not collected on our application form is additionally sourced via email and
other direct participant communications, including social media. We may also collect personal information if
you get a scholarship program or other promotion.


We understand how important your data are to us, our data Privacy protection policy is committed to
protecting and respecting your privacy. This Protection Policy protects your documents use during your
application process your personal data collected from you, or that you provide to us will be processed by us.


Online payments are processed through a secure third-party site, and Internsify Africa does not receive or
have access to personal information such as bank or credit card details.


After making payment due to a change in decisions or direction, requesting a refund, please note bank
charges will be the fees paid


Internsify Africa program fees are designed to be fairly priced and transparent. Deposit payments only cover
support internship for participants abroad in advance of their program’s physical start date. Full payment will
be made as soon as their acceptance letter is out from the host company. Please note that this is non-
refundable in all circumstances. For programs no deposit fees
Requests for refund must be made via email to the participant’s Internsify Africa Program Manager, clearly
detailing the reasons.


When a participant’s refund or credit request has been received by Internsify Africa, such participant will be
notified via email. If no notification is received within three working days, the assumption should be made
that the request has not been received and the participant is advised to contact the relevant Internsify
Africa, Program Manager again.

No refunds will be paid to any participant who has been provided with a participation letter for the host
All IA fees are priced in US Dollars (USD) and Naira Where a participant elects to make a payment in a
different currency, the conversion rate applied on payments and any eligible refunds will be based on the
exchange rate charged by our payment provider at the time the payment or refund is processed. Therefore,
in situations where the original payment is fully or partially refunded, the actual amount refunded may be
less than the original payment amount. Refunds will not exceed the original amount paid.


Should a participant be registered on a program that is subsequently closed, withdrawn, or otherwise made
unavailable by IA prior to their scheduled start date, the participant may elect to;
Accept a refund, subject to the refund policies outlined above.
Payments for add-ons and international transaction fees are non-refundable in all circumstance.


Our staff are involved in the management structure and assessment of accruable qualifications and learners
undertaking these qualifications, are aware of the contents of the policy communicated to all staff as part of


Information that you provide by filling in forms on the Website or filing in forms as part of the registration
process, this includes information provided when subscribing to our service or our learning management
system, We may also ask you for information when you have successfully signed up to an internship
Specifically, personal details such as name, email address, location, country of residence, dates of internship,
phone number, education details (university attended, major, and expected graduation date), work
experience (internships previously completed, CV, passport and identification details, date of birth or any
information input by you when using the Website or the Platform, completing our survey forms, or using our
If you are between the ages of 12 – 18 years of age, we will also require your date of birth and the name,
email address, and relationship of your parent or guardian.
If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
Details of your visits to the Website or the Platform include, but are not limited to, device information, traffic
data, location data, weblogs, other communication data, and the resources that you access.
The provision of your name, email address, location information, and country of residence is required from
you to enable us to provide you with our services. We will inform you at the point of collecting information
from you, whether you are required to provide the information to us.
Information we collect from other sources
We may also obtain personal data from other sources, Your university, higher education providers, high
schools, referral agents, or any other partner (Partner Institutions).


We use your information in the following ways:
To provide you with our services.
To communicate with you directly through emails, calls, chats, video conferencing.
To provide you with information and offers that you request from us or which we feel may interest you. To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us or between us and your Partner Institution.
To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service when you choose to do so.
To notify you about changes to our service.
To provide progress reports to Partner Institutions.
Otherwise, as disclosed to you at the point of collection or as required or permitted by law.
We do not sell your information to any third party.


Systematically we may disclose your personal data to third parties as follows:
We may pass your information to third-party service providers, agents, sub-contractors, and other
associated organizations for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf
We may display your name, email, education, work experience, and video interview for the purpose of
matching you with potential organizations such information to the organization for internship or
employment purposes
We may pass your information including progress reports to your Institution.
We sign contractual agreements to such third parties to protect your personal information, to only use it to
deliver the contracted services to us, to prohibit them from selling it, and not to, disclose it without our
knowledge and permission.
We may also disclose your personal data to any member of our corporate group, which means our
subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company, and its subsidiaries


We take appropriate measures to ensure that personal data are kept safe and secure, including security
measures to prevent personal data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way.
We limit access to your personal data to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those
processing your information will do so only in an authorized manner and are subject to a duty of
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and
any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.
The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to
protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to the Website or the
Platform; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict
procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.
The Website or the Platform may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner
networks, advertisers, and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these
websites have their own privacy policies and terms of use and that we do not accept any responsibility or
liability for these policies and terms of use. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data
to these websites.
Keeping your personal data up to date
If your personal details change you may update them by contacting us via email, If you have any questions
about how we use data collected which relates to you, please contact us by sending a request by email.                                                                                  We will endeavor to update your personal data within seven (5) working days of any new or updated
personal data being provided to us, in order to ensure that the personal data we hold about you is as
accurate and up to date as possible.


The data that we collect from you is transferred to and stored at, a destination outside It may also be
processed by staff operating outside Such staff may be engaged in, among other things, the processing of
your internship applications and the provision of support services.
We are only permitted to store your personal information for as long as necessary having regard to the
purposes for which it was collected or a related or ancillary purpose. Generally, we keep your information in
line with our data retention policy. Therefore, we may delete your personal information after a reasonable
period of time and, if you have not used our services for some time, you may have to re-enter or re-supply
your personal information to us. At times, we may need to retain your information for a longer period where
we need the information to comply with regulatory or legal requirements or where we may need it for our
legitimate purposes. If we don’t need to retain information for this period of time, we may destroy, delete or
anonymize it more promptly.
All other personal data (as specified above) we will hold for a period of time depending on the duration of
your program
Where we store your personal data
All information we hold about you is stored on CRM data centers’ secure servers.


You have the right to access to your personal data and to certain other supplementary information that this Policy is already
designed to address require us to correct any mistakes in your information that we hold require the erasure of personal data concerning you in certain situations receive the personal data concerning you which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to a third party in certain situations object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly
significantly affect you object in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal data otherwise restrict our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws.
If you would like to exercise any of those rights, please: email or write to us, provide us with enough information to identify you e.g. name, email address, any subscription details and any background information that is relevant to your inquiry, provide us with proof of your identity (a copy of your driving license or passport), and identify the information to which your request relates including any reference number if you have one.


We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information. For
complaints please send an email to us.


We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time. Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future
will be notified and made available to you using the Website. Your continued use of the services and the
Website shall be deemed your acceptance of the varied privacy policy.


Internsify Africa is completely opposed to any form of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability,
marriage, pregnancy and maternity, genetic disposition, race, colour, national origin, ancestry, family status,
religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender reassignment, gender expression or gender
identity, or any other legally protected characteristic in accordance with applicable laws (defined as
Protected Characteristics).


Our objective employment practices:
The organisation aims to ensure that: employees and potential employees are treated fairly and with
respect at all stages of their employment at internsify Africa employees (consultants/volunteers/participants) have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description, or any other form of unwanted behaviour. Such behaviour may come from other employees
or by people (third parties) who are not employees of Internsify Africa such as customers or clients.
All employees (consultants/volunteers/participants) have an equal chance to contribute and to achieve their
potential, irrespective of any defining feature that may give rise to unfair discrimination.
Discrimination can take many forms, none of which are tolerated by internsify Africa. These include but are
not limited to:


Direct discrimination is when an employee or applicant is treated less favorably than others.


This is where there is a working condition, practice, or rule that disadvantages one group of people more
than another. In other words, it is more difficult for people from one group to comply with the requirement.
Even if it is done accidentally indirect discrimination is unlawful. Indirect discrimination is only allowed if it is
necessary for the way the business works, and there is no other way of achieving it.


This is where a disabled person is treated unfavorably because of something connected to their disability
where it cannot be objectively justified. This only applies where the organisation knew or could reasonably
be expected to know that the person was disabled.


This is where an employee or participant is harassed by a third party who is not an employee or volunteer or
service users.


This policy applies to all persons working for internsify Africa or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, external consultants, and third-party representatives and business partners. This policy also applies to students enrolling in Internsify Africa programs and host companies hosting students.
The policy applies to all stages of employment including recruitment and selection, promotion and training.


Internsify Africa has zero-tolerance of discrimination: any such action may be subject to criminal, civil, and
disciplinary sanctions.


As an organisation, we value the variety of different views, outlooks, and approaches that a diverse
workforce brings. This assists us to provide improved services and increase our understanding of our service.


We will do all we can to ensure no one will receive less favourable treatment or is be disadvantaged by
requirements or conditions, which cannot be shown to be justifiable.


All those working for us or on our behalf are responsible for engaging actively in the prevention, detection,
and reporting of any incident of discrimination.
Adequate reporting: implement an appropriate mechanism for internal and external reporting of
discrimination incidents.


Using selection criteria that do not unlawfully discriminate in recruitment and promotion procedures;
Our entry to employment /volunteering is based on merit;
No discrimination opportunities for recruitment, training, promotion or transfer of employees or volunteers;
Ensure that every individual is assessed according to his or her personal capability to carry out a given role;
That all employees are given equal treatment with regard to terms and conditions of employment, provided
they do the same or broadly similar work;
Give equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the operation of grievance and disciplinary procedures;
Make sure relevant requirements of the Equality Act in relation to disability are met and adhered to. This will
include making reasonable adjustments to ensure access to employment or volunteering tasks and


We communicate to job applicants and employees/ volunteers through the following means:
Making available a copy of the policy to prospective applicants;
Ensuring all new starters have the opportunity to discuss the policy with line managers/ colleagues;
We provide Equality and Diversity training and guidance to staff, directors and volunteers;
Including reference to abiding by the policy in staff/volunteer contracts.


We consider our partner’s commitment to Equality and Diversity by practice, including monitoring the policy.


We will make our services accessible to participants applying to or participating in the programs ensuring
that partners referring or funding participants disseminate this policy appropriately.
We take corrective action only when we becomes aware of problems. The participant who believes they
have been subject to or witnessed, any form of discrimination as prohibited by this Policy to come forward
promptly with their inquiries, reports, or complaints and to seek assistance. If you are a participant in our
programs, you have been subject to, or think you may have witnessed instances of discrimination, whether
in-person or in an online setting, and whether at the hands of a staff member at your host company, a fellow
participant or by our staff member, then you should follow the procedure set out in this policy.
All allegations of discrimination will be dealt with seriously and promptly. Participants who believe they have
been subject to, or witnessed, discrimination must not hesitate in using this procedure nor fear victimization.
IA staff will provide in confidence advice, and assistance to participants who were subject to, or witnessed,
discrimination and assist in the resolution of any problems. If you are in any doubt as to whether an incident
or series of incidents that have occurred constitutes discrimination, then in the first instance you should
approach your Intern Experience Manager on an informal confidential basis. They will be able to advise you
as to whether the complaint necessitates further action, in which case the matter will be dealt with
formally/informally as appropriate.
Report all instances or events which may constitute discrimination to your Intern Experience Manager, who
will take appropriate action to resolve the issue. The means of resolving the issue will differ depending on
the circumstances, but IA will consult you during each step of the process to ensure you are aware of the
actions we are taking.


A staff member who feels they have been subject to, or think you may have witnessed, discrimination in the
context of the program, or receive a report from a program participant in accordance with this Policy, you
should resolve the issue appropriately, taking particular note of confidentiality concerns by communication
to our legal practitioner.


If you are an employee of a hosting company or an independent contractor, consultant, volunteer or vendor
and you witness or think you may have been subject to, or witnessed, discrimination in the context of a IA
program, you should report the issue to your primary point of contact who will work with you to resolve the
issue appropriately.


Any discrimination raised under this Policy will be treated confidentially and in the best interest of the
victim. However, when an incident is identified it may be necessary for those managing the incident to reveal
its substance to people such as other personnel, partners, and external persons involved in the investigation
process or law enforcement agencies.
Where there is a reasonable belief that a criminal offense has occurred, the matter will be reported to the
appropriate law enforcement agency while taking into account risks to those who have been affected. When
a referral is made to law enforcement, IA will be in consultation with its concerned partner and be guided by
appropriate law enforcement agencies. Any decision not to refer to law enforcement will be documented in
order to record the reasons for the decision.
We take all reasonable precautions to store any records or files relating to matters of equality and diversity
securely and to permit access by authorized persons only.
Unauthorized disclosure of information relating to a matter will be taken seriously and may result in
disciplinary action, which may include dismissal.


The purpose of this policy is to set out the steps to follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of
malpractice and maladministration. It is also in place to review those processes which led to the suspected or
actual case of malpractice and/or maladministration and to support any investigations. We will act upon any reports of suspected or actual cases of malpractice and/or maladministration that we receive regarding our staff or learners, which may affect the integrity of Internsify Africa training courses, qualifications, and quality assurance systems. We also have a professional responsibility to report non-adherence to this policy to our awarding bodies.


It is important that staff involved in the management, delivery, assessment and quality assurance of
accredited qualifications and learners undertaking these qualifications, are fully aware of the contents of the
This policy is communicated to all learners (interns) at induction and referred to throughout the program.
This policy is communicated to all staff as part of their induction into the innovations partnerships programs
where this is applied.


The policy is reviewed annually and revised it as when required in response to customer and stakeholder
feedback, changes in practices, actions required by the awarding body(s), or changes in legislation. Our
review will ensure that our procedures continue to be consistent with the regulatory criteria and are applied
properly and fairly in arriving at judgments.


Malpractice is any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the
integrity of the assessment process and/or the validity of certificates. For the purpose of this policy term also
covers professional misconduct.


We investigated malpractices and confirmed that learner malpractice has taken place, have no alternative
but to impose one or more of the following sanctions on the learner. Please note that this list is not
Disallowing all or part of the learner’s assessment evidence
Disallowing a learner to undertake an exam
Disallowing all or part of the learner’s external assessment marks
Not requesting the learner’s certificate(s) from the awarding organization.
Disallowing a learner to undertake a qualification or course with IA
In cases of malpractice and/or maladministration by learners, will make learners aware that their final results
may be void if the case is proven. Any certificates which have already been issued may be deemed to be
invalid. Certificates may need to be returned to the awarding body.
If a learner is not satisfied with the investigation process or outcome conducted by Internsify Africa limited
they can communicate their issues to the awarding body to investigate our decision.


Maladministration is any practice that results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and
requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration by providing
inappropriate learner records.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The categories listed below are examples of centre and learner malpractice and maladministration. Please
note that these examples are for guidance only and are not exhaustive:
Exam irregularities of any nature by staff.
Discriminatory, bullying, or harassing behaviour.
Unprofessional conduct.
Forgery of evidence.
Behaviour was likely to endanger the health or safety of the public.
Breach of confidentiality including, staff members, learners, or information
Submission of false information to gain a qualification.
Exam irregularities of any nature by learners.
Failure to meet the awarding body(s) or regulator’s requirements.                                                                                                                                              Alter assessment and/or exam records.
Alter administration records.


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